Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#11 & 12 Librarything & Rollyo

Yes I know I'm going backwards but I promised to fill in this gap.

LOVE libraryThing but not so sure about Rollyo.

I am slowly adding my home collection to LibraryThing and keep getting distracted by all the other fun stuff there. I love the Zeitgeist and the fabulous things you find just taking a general schmooze around. There are thousands of people who read the same stuff I do! Even though I don't know any of them that's kind of comforting after the regular reaction my bookshelves get - kind of a bemused 'huh'.

While I see the point of Rollyo and think that it would be fantastic for those searching for similar stuff all the time, I don't really think it's something I'll use straight away. Good to have it lurking in the back of my brain though as you never can tell when it might save the day.

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