Monday, October 22, 2007

I love Bloglines!

I feel like I haven't done anything L2ish for ages but then realised this isn't exactly true. Whilst I haven't made a rollyo yet or put any of my stuff on LibraryThing (although I have created an account) or even made any more images I LOVE! Bloglines.

I have a bunch of library type blogs plugged in and it has become part of my 'first thing' routine - turn everything on and put in all my passwords, get a coffee while my PC thinks about things for a bit, check email then check Bloglines and see what is happening in libraryland. There are some wonderful, inspiring things going on out there! It's nice to start the day thinking anything is possible.

If I get nothing else out of all this (not likely) then this will be worth it all on it's own.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Google reader (sam as bloglines) is also part of my daily routine. It's a great way to keep track of what's going on around the world.
