Thursday, October 4, 2007

#9 Feed finding

Maybe it's just because it's 4.55 and late in the week but I found the feed finders like Feedster and Google a but overwhealming. Even when I thought I'd been really specific in my search I got a squillion hits.

So I ended up using the search function in bloglines and I'm now getting weather updates, All Blacks rugby news (because we are going to WIN! the world cup). I'm also getting updates from a few L2 blogs, just to keep up with what you all out there are up to. :-)

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

Hi Dale,
It was lovely meeting you the other day. Yes, I like the Bloglines search, (though I've gotten used to Feedster) and have culled my RSS feeds down to only 211...yes, I have no life.